Pounding anthem

Sport Chek drops a beat.

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Nothing pumps up a workout like a great song. So it makes sense that to promote itself as the start of all things athletic, Sport Chek wanted a great anthem. Working with Sid Lee and sound company Grayson Matthews, this slow motion spot follows athletes as they start off their workout, culminating in a cacophony of sports-related noises that make up the anthem. You hear that? It’s us, tripping over our own feet as we try to keep up.


Advertiser: Sport Chek
Agency Sid Lee
Associate Creative Director: Tom Koukodimos
Copywriter: Danielle Haythorne
Art Director: Stuart Campbell
Producer: Leanne McLellan
Music and Sound Design: Grayson Matthews
Director: Mark Zibert
Editor: Mark Paiva
VFX: The Vanity