Make-A-Wish Canada's app brings Santa to life.

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Make-A-Wish Canada and Zulu Alpha Kilo are showing some goodwill to parents of young children with a new app that “proves” Santa actually exists. Using the Kringl app, parents can select a Santa scene (such as Santa searching for gifts), film a room in their house and then show their tots augmented reality footage of the jolly fellow coming to visit. Goodbye stuffy Santa suit and gorging on cookies and milk, hello thrilled child. (Well, maybe still eat the cookies, it’s Christmas after all).
Brand: Make-A-Wish Canada
Agency: Zulu Alpha Kilo
Creative director: Zak Mroueh
CD/Art director: Ari Elkouby
Technology director: Jeff Vermeersch
Designer: Andrea Romanelli, Grant Cleland
Design director: Mooren Bofill
Writer: Jonathan King, Jerry Brens
Account supervisor: Alex Potter
Strategic planners: Zoe Neuman, Emma Brooks
Agency producer: Ola Stodulska
Video: Jamie Morren
Production house: Thinking Box, Notch Video
Content and design: Troy Graham
Software development: Michael Vay Lee
Lead developer: Curtis Lok-Man Mak
Motion graphics: Yotam Dor
UI designer: Kevin Mak
Audio production/scoring: Pirate Toronto
Director of production: Carrie Jeffels
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