Whirlpool is getting couples to sign a contract for chores
With its "Fairest Prenup," the appliance brand has couples talking about a fairer division of household labour.

Brastemp Whirlpool has found a way to keep its name in couples’ consciousness for a lifetime – or at least as long as they’re living together.
The company has launched a new campaign, called “The Fairest Prenup,” that offers a unique spin on the financial prenup agreement some couples sign prior to marriage, as well as the chore wheel that might be hanging on their fridge.
Instead of mucking about with money, this contract acts as a “binding” agreement between two members of a household to equally divide tasks such as laundry, cooking and cleaning.
The campaign, which was developed with FCB Brasil, is based on the insight that household labour is not fairly divided and, further, that women often end up carrying the majority of the load. According to research done in partnership with Think Olga, a Brazilian non-profit that advocates for women through the use of communication, tech and education, women spend an average of 21 hours a week – or seven years of their life – on household tasks.
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“The overburden of household chores, especially for women, is a significant issue that must be discussed,” says Allyne Magnoli, Whirlpool’s marketing director. “Brastemp has a very important role in this journey, and has been raising the topic in a good-humoured way in recent campaigns. The Full Division of Household Chores Agreement is a lighthearted way of moving beyond the debate to engage couples, families and even friends who live together.”
“We approached a serious topic in a fun way in order to promote the urgent discussion about dividing the household chores among everyone who lives in the same home,” says Anna Martha, FCB Brasil’s ECD. “As a society, we are still far from acknowledging that this is real work, and that in most homes only one person is responsible for doing it.”
The contract includes 25 clauses that focus on some of the most common domestic complaints, including the use of household appliances and performance of many routine tasks. While one clause specifies placing dirty laundry in a basket or hamper, another requires the signatory to agree to make the bed when they get up in the morning. The campaign is a follow-up to last year’s “Washing Excuses,” widening the scope from its focus on the division of laundry labour to incorporate all household chores.
To reach couples and others preparing to move in together, FCB situated the contract in contextually relevant places – tearaway pages in wedding magazines, billboards in the vicinity of the county clerk’s offices and online wedding registries. In all cases, viewers were directed to a microsite where they could customize the contract to fit their needs – as well as take advantage of some offers from the appliance brand.
Client: Whirlpool Corporation
President Whirlpool Brazil: Andrea Salgueiro
Executive Vice President, Marketing & Sales VP: Gustavo Ambar
Marketing Director: Allyne Magnoli
Brand Strategy Senior Manager: Felipe Santos
Brand & Business Manager (Laundry): Haline Pinto
Brand & Business – PR: Paulo Alves
Marketing Manager: Juliana Cereto
Product Manager Latam: Gabriela Rosa
Agency: FCB Brasil
Chief Creative Officer: Ricardo John
Executive Creative Director: Anna Martha Silveira
Executive Creative Director: Marcelo Rizerio
Creative and Innovation Director: Pedro Araujo
Associate Creative Director: Heloisa Ribeiro
Associate Creative Director: Leticia Rodrigues
Art Director: Rafael Rosa
Copywriter: Daniel Neme
Art Director Intern: Mariana Cabrera
Concept Director: Ana Becker
Content Team: Bibiana Saldanha, Thea Rodrigues, Marta Carvalho
Media Team: Tiago Santos, Mateus Madureira, Elmayr Barros, Guilherme Castanho, Robson Cruz, Isabella Rosati
Account Team: Elton Longhi, Claudia Schneider, Mayara Nunes, Luizye Konstantinow, Carolina Andrade, Letícia Hengles
Strategy Team: Renata D’Ávila, Mariana Teixeira, Isabela Panico, Jaqueline Tampelli, Marcella Huche, Lucas Maciel
Chief Growth Officer: Fábio Freitas
Data Intelligence Team: Priscilla Olegario, Carolinne Dantas
Project Manager Team: Renata Reigota, Amanda Zambrana, Anna Strohm
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