About Us

Stimulant’s mission is simple: to inspire ad industry creatives. ghostwriter
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Launched in 2008, the site and newsletter highlight the best ads and branding ideas from Canada and abroad, as well as a jumble of innovative, brilliant stuff that’s not tied to advertising.

Stimulant is a way for agencies to see who’s doing great work, and to gauge the quality of their own. Better still, it’s a space for the industry to share ideas that excite them.

Stimulant is an offshoot of strategy, a magazine and suite of daily news publications covering the Canadian advertising and marketing industry, which in turn are part of the Toronto-based Brunico Communications family of brands which cover the global media and entertainment business since 1986.

Stimulant is geared to meet the creative-stimulus needs of a wide range of people, from directors and designers to marketers and media buyers — anyone whose profession involves marketing and creativity. There’s simply nothing else like it in Canada.